How to Choose the Best Plant Protein

Which Plant Protein is best

When choosing the best plant based protein powder that best suits your needs and goals, you must do your research. There is a variety of plant based protein powders in the market today, which include; soy, pea, brown rice, hemp and sacha inchi. Each one of these plant-based proteins has their own specific characteristics as well as nutritional content. In this discussion we will provide you with all the information you need to make the best-educated decision in what plant based protein best suits you.  

Soy Protein 

Plant proteins as a whole are not sufficient in all of the nine essential amino acids, soy on the other hand is not categorised in this. Soy protein is high in leucine and its amino acid composition is much more effective than other plant proteins powders in the market. When comparing soy protein to whey, soy has a more nutty taste and for every 30g serve of soy there is roughly 27g of protein. This is considered a high ratio of protein but when comparing the essential amino acid content of soy and whey, you would need to consume 40g of soy compared to 25g of whey to consume the same amount of amino acids.   

Brown Rice 

The process of making brown rice protein powder consists of removing the bulk of fat and carbohydrates content from the rice and leaving the remaining protein source. As for the amino acid content, brown rice is low in lysine specificity and relatively low in other essential amino acids, which doesn’t make brown rice protein a complete protein source.

For every 30g serve of brown rice protein there is 24g of protein and as there is a low fat and carb content, brown rice protein is easily absorbed into the body. Studies show that to consume the same amount of essential amino acids as whey, 39g of brown rice protein must be consumed compared to 25g of whey protein. Brown rice protein powder is new to the fitness industry and at this stage is relatively cheap and easily accessible compared to other plant based proteins.   

Hemp Protein 

Hemp protein powder is made from hemp seeds that are grinded into a fine powder. Hemps protein composition is low compared to other plant based proteins but on the other hand is boosted with other nutritional benefits. Hemp is 50% protein contains 15g of protein for every 30g serving. Hemp proteins nutritional benefits include; great source of dietary fibre, high in fatty acids and contains good amounts of iron, zinc and magnesium.

On the amino acid front, hemp protein lacks as a complete protein and doesn’t contain the sufficient amount of essential amino acids as other proteins do. When comparing to whey, you would need to consume 48g of hemp protein to 25g of whey to get the same intake of essential amino acids.  

Pea Protein 

Pea protein powder is produced with dry peas as they have a higher protein content than green peas and are packed with phytochemicals, which aid in overall good health. The protein content in peas is approximately 80% so for each 30g serving, you will get 23g of protein. Pea protein contains a greater amount of amino acids compared to other plant proteins and is rich in branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) BCAAs consist of leucine, isoleucine and valine, these amino acids are the main aminos that help stimulate protein synthesis within the body helping your energy stores during training, building muscle and repairing muscle.  

Pea Protein like hemp is boosted with other nutritional sources. Pea protein is rich in fibre, high in vitamins K, B6 and B2 and contains good amounts of manganese, folate, copper, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron and phosphorous. In comparison to whey protein you would need to consume 37g of pea protein to 25g of whey to reach the same intake of essential amino acids.  

Sacha Inchi Protein 

Compared to the other plant proteins spoken about above, sacha inchi protein is relatively unknown. Sacha inchi protein powder is made from the sachi inchi seeds grown in the amazon rainforest of Peru. Sacha inchi protein is around 60% protein with every 30g serve providing 17g of protein. Sacha inchi protein is abundant in omega 3 fatty acids and is rich in iron. For one serving of sacha inchi protein, this contains approximately 16% of your daily iron intake. Sacha inchi protein has a great amino acid composition compared to other plant based protein and like brown rice protein, it is easily digestible. 

So which plant-based protein should you choose? 

The simple answer is NONE OF THE ABOVE should be taken on their own.  

The best way to consume plant protein powder is by using a combination plant protein powder. A combination plant protein powder provides you with a complete amino acid profile as well as boosting your protein consumption with added minerals and vitamins that you wouldn’t get from your traditional whey protein.  

P92 Organic Lean Plant Based Protein powder is the best combination protein powder on the market today. Combining an all star line up of plant proteins: 

  • Organic sprouted & fermented pea protein 
  • Organic brown rice protein 
  • Organic hemp protein 
  • Organic sacha inchi protein 

With the added advantage of being organic, P92 is high in protein, low in fat and carbs and rich in minerals and vitamins that will help you achieve your goals and milestones in all aspects of everyday life and wellbeing.